This month, as part of our On the Shoulders of Giants series, and on the 102nd anniversary of the death of Liam Mellows, we republish his Dáil speech against the Treaty
Mickey Moran sits down with Socialist Republican activist and Hamburg resident, Niall Byrne, along with the Vienna-based academic and journalist, Dieter Reinisch
This month, as part of our On the Shoulders of Giants series, and on the 94th anniversary of the death of Mother Jones, we republish her Speech to Striking Miners which she delivered in the courthouse square of
Demonstrating that very little has changed on the political policing front in the Six Counties, armed members of the PSNI stopped, searched and attempted to quiz Éirígí activists in Lurgan earlier this week.
In this month’s Connolly Archive, we continue on with our serialisation of Connolly’s Labour in Irish History, moving on to Chapter Ten, ‘The first Irish socialist, a forerunner of Marx’.
In this month’s Connolly Archive, we continue on with our serialisation of Connolly’s Labour in Irish History, moving on to Chapter Nine, ‘The Emmet Conspiracy’.
Gareth Murray sits down with Cathaoirleach Éirígí Brian Leeson for part two of a two-part discussion on the current housing crisis and how it can be ended.
Gareth Murray sits down with Cathaoirleach Éirígí Brian Leeson for part one of a two-part discussion on the current housing crisis and how it can be ended.