Rebel Against Royalty!
Rebel Against Royalty!
Rebel Against Royalty!
Fundraiser for Éirígí’s No Royal Visits Campaign
The Players Lounge, Fairview Strand, Dublin
Friday, April 29th, from 8pm
Music by The Players Brigade.
Cover Charge €5.
For tickets:
Phone: 086 236 7298
On Friday April 29th the British ‘prince’ William Mountbatten-Windsor will marry his cousin, Kate Middleton. In advance of this event the corporate and state media in Britain and Ireland have launched a pro-royalty propaganda offensive of unprecedented proportions. Countless column inches and endless hours of airtime have been extended to the slavish ramblings and cringe-inducing commentary of presenters, ‘royal correspondents’ and others.
The wedding has been almost universally greeted as a great celebratory and celebrity event. Few in the establishment media have dared to raise questions about what place royalty and aristocracy have in the modern world. Virtually nobody has commented on the British royals’ role as cheerleaders-in-chief to Britain’s imperial armies. The ongoing occupations of Ireland and Afghanistan have received scandalously little coverage amidst this orgy of all things royal.
In many ways the corporate and state media’s coverage of the British royal wedding echoes their coverage of the upcoming visit by Elizabeth Windsor to the Twenty-Six Counties. This too is being presented as a non-political event, like the visit of a friendly old aunt who hasn’t been seen for years. But right-thinking people everywhere know that Windsor’s visit to Ireland is about as political as it gets.
Over the last five years Éirígí has been to the fore of opposing all British royal visits to all parts of Ireland through its ‘No British Withdrawal? No Royal Visits!’ campaign. This campaign has incurred considerable costs which have been paid for through the generosity of Éirígí’s members and supporters. With the Windsor visit now only weeks away the costs of mounting an effective campaign of opposition are mounting.
On the night of Friday April 29th, Éirígí is holding a ‘Rebel Against Royalty’ fundraising event in The Players Lounge, Fairview Strand, Dublin. Music will be provided by The Players Brigade. All proceeds from the function will be used to help Éirígí’s campaign against the Elizabeth Windsor and other British royal visits. So why not come along and bring your friends too. You’ll be helping a good cause and escaping the media coverage of the Mountbatten-Windsor-Middleton wedding.