Éirígí Athlone Mourns The Dead, Fights Like Hell For The Living! — Éirígí For A New Republic

Éirígí Athlone Mourns The Dead, Fights Like Hell For The Living!

Éirígí Athlone Mourns The Dead, Fights Like Hell For The Living!

Éirígí activists in the midlands had a busy weekend as they took inspiration from generations past while fighting for the housing rights of generations present and future.

On Saturday a large banner declaring that ‘A Fairer Ireland Is Possible’ through Universal Public Housing was hung from a railing in the Arcadia district of Athlone. In recent weeks hundreds of UP Housing information leaflets have been delivered to homes in Athlone as part of a wider campaign to increase awareness of, and support for, Éirígi’s radical housing alternative.

As part of that campaign a ‘What Is Universal Public Housing?’ themed public meeting will take place in Athlone Institute of Technology on Tuesday, February 25th. Further details about this meeting will be published on this website in the coming days.

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On Sunday, Éirígí supporters and members gathered in Cornafulla just outside Athlone to mark the 99th anniversary of the death of Volunteer James Tormey. Despite being just 21 years-of-age when he was killed, Tomey had played a hugely important role in the escalation of the war effort against British forces in the midlands.

Originally from Moate, Tormey drew on experience he had received in the Connaught Rangers to help organise and train the Athlone Flying Column of the IRA. The column was highly active across Offaly, Westmeath, Longford and Roscommon. And it was in Roscommon that Tormey fell when he was shot dead during a republican ambush of the an RIC patrol.

The commemoration saw the 1916 Proclamation read aloud and lilies laid at the memorial cr where Tormey. Fuair sé bás ar son saoirse na hÉireann

If you’re interested in helping Éirígí in the midlands build popular support for UP Housing and for the creation of a New Republic that will put the needs of our people ahead of the greed of the big business and the political establishment please get in touch today.

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