Éirígí Activists Help Put Shell HQ Under Occupation
Éirígí Activists Help Put Shell HQ Under Occupation
Shell headquarters has been occupied by members of Éirígí this morning to protest the theft of Ireland's natural resources. They have been joined in the action by members of the Workers Solidarity Movement (WSM).
At approximately 10am this morning, close on a dozen activists from both groups entered the main foyer of the building and announced its occupation. Simultaneously, activists climbed on to the roof of the building unfurling a banner demanding a cessation of the giveaway of Ireland's natural resources.
Éirígí spokesperson Brian Leeson, who is inside the building, stated that the action was being carried out by the two groups 'in protest at Shells attempted theft of almost €50 billion of Irish gas from the Corrib gas field'.
Continuing, Brian stated 'Shell, in true arrogant style, have chosen to name their headquarters in Ireland 'Corrib House'. This is despite the fact the Shells only role in Corrib, is to steal the areas natural resources, impose an unwanted refinery on the community, and to conduct a smear campaign against any group or individual who protests against this activity. We know that Shell are not welcome in Mayo, and we are stating clearly today that they are not welcome in Dublin either'.