No Charges in Finucane Murder Case
No Charges in Finucane Murder Case
The selective nature of British ‘justice’ has once again been displayed with news that no member of the British occupation forces will face charges relating to the killing of Pat Finucane, the human rights lawyer who was murdered by British agents operating within the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) in February 1989.
The news that members of the RUC/PSNI, the British Army and British intelligence will escape prosecution for their role in the murder was released by the Public Prosecution Service (PPS). The PPS has claimed that there is 'insufficient evidence' to press charges against those involved.
The revelation comes despite the fact that the Stevens inquiry confirmed in 2003 that British forces colluded with the pro-British death squad that murdered Pat Finucane.
Stevens, himself a British policeman, has stated that his investigation was wilfully and repeatedly obstructed and misled by all arms of British ‘security’ forces in Ireland. Little wonder when one considers the fact that the intelligence used in the murder of Pat Finucane was supplied by one British agent, Brian Nelson; that the weapon used in the murder was supplied by another British agent, William Stobie; and the actual murder was carried out by a third British agent Ken Barret!
The extraordinary levels of collusion between the official British forces and their unofficial death squads is further highlighted by the fact that Nelson was working as an agent of the Force Research Unit, a highly secretive section of the British Army while Stobie and Barrett were both working for the RUC’s Special Branch.
Commenting on the news, Éirígí spokesperson Daithi Mac an Mahiastir stated 'The decision to allow those responsible for the murder of Pat Finucane to escape scot-free is an absolute disgrace. The farce that is the British justice system has once again been exposed for the sham that it is. Those responsible for Pat’s death are, it appears, quite literally going to get away with murder. The Finucane family deserve to know who was ultimately responsible for taking away their husband and father and they deserve to see those same people brought to account in a real court of justice.