Éirígí For A New Republic Signs Anti-Racism Protocol
Éirígí for a New Republic has endorsed the European Network Against Racism’s Anti-Racism Election Protocol. Since our foundation in 2006 Éirígí has maintained a strong and principled opposition to racism, sectarianism, fascism and all other reactionary ideologies that seek to foster false divisions within the Irish nation.
Éirígí recognises that Ireland is not isolated from, or immune to, the rising global tide of racism, sectarianism and xenophobia. As republicans have done for over two centuries we will continue to oppose poisonous right-wing ideologies which serve the interests of the ruling class.
Éirígí is running three candidates, Damien Farrell (South West Inner City), Ciarán Heaphey (Artane / Whitehall) and Brian Leeson (Dundrum), in Local Elections 2019.
Each candidates has a proven track record of standing up against bigotry, sectarianism and racism. All three are committed to continuing this opposition during the election campaign and beyond.