Éirígí Easter Commemorations
Éirígí Easter Commemorations
The first Éirígí Easter commemoration of 2007 took place in the Loop, Co Derry on Saturday evening. A number of Éirígí members and supporters attended a wreath-laying ceremony at the grave of Vol. Sean Larkin, one of the Drumboe Martyrs shot dead by Free State forces in 1923.
This event was followed on Easter Sunday by a similar commemoration in Glasnevin cemetery, Dublin. Here the wreath-laying was followed by a reading of the 1916 Proclamation and a minutes silence in memory of all of those who have fallen in the fight for Irish freedom.
Speaking in Dublin Éirígí chairperson Brian Leeson commented on how important the Easter period is for republicans ‘For Irish Republicans all across the country, and beyond, Easter is a time of remembrance, when we acknowledge the sacrifices of all of those who have died in the fight for Irish freedom. This year is the first year that Éirígí has held Easter commemorations, marking another milestone in our growth as an organisation.’
Brian continued ‘The corporate media and the political establishment would have us believe that the so called ‘Irish question’ has been answered and that Britain’s role in Ireland is now that of the honest broker trying to settle a feud between two tribes of backward natives. Republicans know this to be a fallacy. Britain’s role in Ireland today is the same as it was in 1798, 1916, 1969 or 1981 – that of an imperialist occupier. The challenge now, for republicans, is it to expose the lie of ‘normalisation’ and build a new, broad based movement for Irish freedom.’
There will be further Éirígí commemorations on May 12th to mark the 91st anniversary of the execution of James Connolly.