Windsor Visit Will Be Vigorously Opposed! — Éirígí For A New Republic

Windsor Visit Will Be Vigorously Opposed!

Windsor Visit Will Be Vigorously Opposed!

Cathaoirleach Éirígí Brian Leeson has said that the upcoming visit by the commander in chief of Britain’s armed forces Elizabeth Windsor to the Twenty-Six Counties will be actively and vigorously opposed by the socialist republican party.

Leeson was speaking in the aftermath of the announcement by Twenty-Six County president Mary McAleese that the woman who masquerades as the queen of England had accepted an invitation to make a state visit.

While no date has been officially confirmed for the provocative visit, it is understood it will take place over three days in May.

In response, Éirígí have organised a demonstration at the British Embassy next Saturday [March 12] at 2pm.

Leeson said: “The architects of this visit have made a political blunder of the highest order. If they think that Elizabeth Windsor can be paraded around the Twenty-Six Counties with no mention being made of the ongoing occupation of the North they are gravely mistaken.

“This woman is the commander in chief of Britain’s armed forces, the same armed forces that have committed massacre and murder across Ireland and the same armed forces that continue to commit massacre and murder in Afghanistan.

“It is also astounding that, at a time when the Twenty-Six County state is effectively bankrupt, the political establishment is going to waste vast amounts of money on what amounts to a propaganda coup for the British occupation.”

Leeson added: “Starting next Saturday [March 12], Éirígí will be actively and vigorously opposing the Windsor visit. We are calling on people to join us at the British Embassy to leave the establishment in no doubt about the strength of opposition to this offensive stunt.

“People need to begin organising opposition to the Windsor visit now. This is too important an issue to wait until she is already here.

“If we get active enough and show that we are angry enough we can send out the powerful message that, until Elizabeth Windsor’s army gets out of Ireland, she is not welcome in Ireland.”