Éirígí - About Us — Éirígí For A New Republic


Éirígí For A New Republic is a political party that was formed in 2006 by a group of Dublin-based community and political activists. We believe that modern Ireland is a deeply undemocratic, unequal and unfair country not by accident, but by design.

That design was central to the partition of Ireland and the creation of two sectarian, conservative states in 1922. To this day the lives of working people across Ireland are defined by political and economic structures that protect the interests of private capital and the respective political and economic elites of each state.

Éirígí For A New Republic is building support for the creation of a new all-Ireland Republic that will put the needs of the many ahead of the greed of the few; a New Republic that will protect and manage our natural environment for the benefit of future generations; a New Republic that will be secular, egalitarian and internationalist; a New Republic that will support our native language and culture; a New Republic that will provide secure, properly paid employment for everyone that can work and support for those that can’t; a New Republic that will provide all of our citizens with the housing, healthcare, education and other essential services that they need to reach their full potential.


The establishment political parties exist to maintain the illusion of democracy whilst simultaneously colluding with each other to protect and advance the interests of multinationals, banks, landlords, foreign governments and other powerful anti-democratic forces. The private bank bailout, NAMA, the imposition of austerity and the privatisation of natural resources and public services are just the latest examples of the system working exactly as it was designed to do.

Éirígí offers a real alternative to these establishment parties and the failures of the past. We have no loyalty to a state or socio-economic system that perpetuates poverty, inequality, injustice and division in our society. Our only loyalty is to the people of Ireland and the New Republic that we aim to help build.

You can read about our vision for the New Republic in the landmark republican document A Democratic Programme For The New Republic.

The road to the New Republic requires the patient building of a peaceful mass movement incorporating political parties, campaign groups, trade unions, cultural organisation and other progressive forces. It is this movement that will become the engine for change that will transform our society to one based upon cooperation, not competition.

Take a look around our website to find out more about Éirígí For A New Republic and what we do.

If you like what you see then get in touch and join the fight For A New Republic.


A Democratic Programme For The New Republic.

Éirígí For A New Republic is building support for the creation of a new all-Ireland Republic that will put the needs of the many ahead of the greed of the few; a New Republic that will protect and manage our natural environment for the benefit of future generations; a New Republic that will be secular, egalitarian and internationalist; a New Republic that will support our native language and culture; a New Republic that will provide secure, properly paid employment for everyone that can work and support for those that can’t; a New Republic that will provide all of our citizens with the housing, healthcare, education and other essential services that they need to reach their full potential.

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