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This month, as part of our On The Shoulders of Giants series and on the 37th anniversary of the extra-judicial execution of Mairéad Farrell along with her comrades Seán Savage and Daniel McCann by the
Mickey Moran is joined by Jac and Rhys, two activists from the Welsh socialist republican youth group, Mudiad Eryr Wen, for a conversation exploring the history of Welsh nationalism, the emergence of Welsh republicanism, and the contemporary struggles around the Welsh language.
A wreath laying ceremony to honour Galway woman and 1916 leader, Julia Morrissey, will take place in Athenry, Co. Galway on Saturday, 8th March, at 1pm.
In this month’s Connolly Archive, we continue on with our serialisation of Connolly’s Labour in Irish History, moving on to Chapter Thirteen, ‘Our Irish Girondins sacrifice the Irish peasantry upon the altar of private property’.
Mickey Moran sits down with Gabriel Kuhn, an Austrian activist, translator, and author, to discuss his work exploring the intersection between sport and radical politics.
In this month’s Connolly Archive, we continue on with our serialisation of Connolly’s Labour in Irish History, moving on to Chapter Twelve ‘A Chapter of Horrors: Daniel O’Connell and the working class’.
Mickey Moran sits down with visual artist Michele Horrigan to discuss her work exploring environmental destruction, specifically the impact of Aughinish Alumina
This month, as part of our On the Shoulders of Giants series, and on the 106th anniversary of the murders of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, we republish ‘A Call to the Workers of the World’
In this month’s Connolly Archive, we continue on with our serialisation of Connolly’s Labour in Irish History, moving on to Chapter Eleven, ‘An Irish Utopia’.
Mickey Moran sits down with Dr. Kerron Ó Luain, an established historian and activist with radical Irish language group Misneach, to discuss the history of the Irish language movement, and the challenges posed to the movement in the present day.