Éirígí Join Us — Éirígí For A New Republic


Are you ready to join the fight For A New Republic?

The right-wing political, economic and social forces that dominate Ireland today are deeply-embedded, well-resourced and highly-organised. They will not give up their power or privileges easily. It will take great patience, discipline and organisation to build a movement that will replace the existing two failed states with one new all-Ireland Republic.

Éirígí follows in the long tradition of radical republican organisations stretching back to the United Irishmen in the 1790s. Like those who went before us we understand that each individual can achieve very little on their own. We build strength through unity, through the pooling of our ideas, our energy, our time, our finances and our other resources in a democratic organisation that is controlled by its own members.

Éirígí is organised in local branches known as Ciorcal (inspired by the ‘Circles’ of the Irish Republican Brotherhood). Each Ciorcal is responsible for challenging injustice and building popular support For A New Republic within their local area. Our activists are also active in Trade Unions, the Irish language movement and a wide range of progressive community, voluntary and sporting organisations.

Unlike most Irish political parties, Éirígí operates on the principle of ‘One Member - One Vote’. Every party member gets to vote directly on important policy and strategy matters, and also in the annual election of internal party positions.

Membership of Éirígí is open to anyone over the age of sixteen that supports our principles, objectives and analysis.

If you’re ready to help us build the New Republic then complete the form below and we will be in touch.

For yourself. For your family. For your future. Join Éirígí.

Unlike most Irish political parties, Éirígí operates on the principle of ‘One Member - One Vote’. Every party member gets to vote directly on important policy and strategy matters, and also in the annual election of internal party positions.