Forget What The Partitionists Just Told You - Ireland's Population Is Now 7,000,000+ — Éirígí For A New Republic

Forget What The Partitionists Just Told You - Ireland's Population Is Now 7,000,000+

Forget What The Partitionists Just Told You - Ireland's Population Is Now 7,000,000+

You wouldn't know it from the partitionist political and media establishment but the population of Ireland is now sitting at just over 7,000,000 people - the highest figure since the mid 1840s when the population is believed to have peaked at close to 8,500,000 people.

Data released by the CSO today shows that 5,123,536 people were resident in the Twenty-Six Counties on 3 April 2022. Data released last month by NISRA showed that 1,903,100 people were resident in the British-occupied Six Counties on 21 March 2021 - for an all Ireland total of 7,026,636.

The fact that Ireland's population is still 1,5000,000 lower today than it was in the mid 1840s shows us that we are still living with the consequences of the genocidal policies that the British government adopted in response to the arrival of potato blight in Ireland.

Seventy years after the horror of the 1840s, the British government committed another great crime against the Irish people when they forcibly partitioned Ireland under threat of immediate and terrible war.

The partition of Ireland didn't just create two administrative states on the island of Ireland. It also created something much more insidious and poisonous in the form of a partitionist mindset.

That partitionist mindset has grown very deep roots on both sides of Britain's border over the last century. For the political establishment and their media, 'Ireland' has only Twenty-Six Counties and based on today's CSO data 'Ireland' has a population of just 5,100,000.

We all have a part to play in challenging this Orwellian reality, in rejecting partition and asserting the fact that Ireland is one country with a current population of over 7,000,000 people.

Before we can end the reality of British partition in Ireland, we must first recognise, challenge and defeat the partitionist mindset that has become so prevalent on both sides of the border.

Éirígí is working in communities across Ireland to challenge partition and build popular support for a new all-Ireland Republic. If you're ready to join the fight for the New Republic we'd love to hear from you.