Survival Of The Richest - Two Men In The Twenty-Six Counties Now Own More Wealth Than Half The Population — Éirígí For A New Republic

Survival Of The Richest - Two Men In The Twenty-Six Counties Now Own More Wealth Than Half The Population

Survival Of The Richest - Two Men In The Twenty-Six Counties Now Own More Wealth Than Half The Population

According to Oxfam, the two richest billionaires in the Twenty-Six Counties now own more wealth than 50% of the population.

This startling statistic should come as no surprise given that billionaires in this state have amassed vast fortunes from areas like Construction (Shapoor Mistry and Eugene Murtagh), Big Tech (Patrick and John Collison), Telecoms (Denis O'Brien) and Vulture Asset Stripping (John Grayken).

Oxfam also found that globally, since 2020, the richest 1% have acquired nearly twice as much wealth as the rest of humanity, the 99%, combined!

Over the last couple of decades globalised capitalism has created a billionaire elite whose wealth now rivals that of the wealthiest King, Pharaoh, Tsar or Pope in centuries gone by.

This super-wealthy elite measure their wealth not just in billions or tens of billions, but now in the hundreds of billions, with Oxfam predicting the emergence of the world’s first TRILLIONAIRE within a decade. And, as is always the case, with such vast wealth comes vast influence and vast power - enough influence to undermine freedom, democracy, equality and justice - enough power to influence the direction of entire nations.

The two richest people in the Twenty-Six Counties, John Grayken (€5.75 billion) and Shapoor Mistry (€6.4 billion)

There are many who would have you believe that there are 'good' billionaires and 'bad' billionaires - that would have you line up behind the 'good' billionaires to stop the dastardly plans of the 'bad' billionaires. They want you to pick a side - to back a billionaire - to back a Trump or a Soros, a Gates or a Mercer.  And so it has been since the beginning of time.

There have always been opportunists and con men trying to convince working people that they should fight and die for 'their' King, or Kaiser, or Tsar - or Billionaire. That they should fight and kill other working people just like them who had been conned into supporting a different King, or Kaiser, or Tsar, or Billionaire.

All the while the billionaires - the 'good' and 'bad' ones get richer and richer off the backs of all working people. In truth the problem isn't 'good' billionaires or 'bad' billionaires, but the very system that creates billionaires - a system called capitalism.

Those who are serious about real change understand that things will not get better for working people until we move away from a system that is DESIGNED to exploit them - a system that is DESIGNED to funnel wealth upwards in ever-increasing amounts to an ever-decreasing number of people. This is what capitalism is DESIGNED to do! It can do nothing else!

Those who aren't serious about real change will line up behind 'their' billionaire and believe whatever nonsense he or she tells them, no matter how ludicrous that bullshit might be.

If you are serious about real change, if you are serious about ending the rule of billionaires, millionaires and their gombeen politicians, Éirígí wants to hear from you! Join the fight For A New Republic that will put the needs of working people ahead of the greed of the elites - Join Éirígí!