UP Housing Campaign Is Growing - Here’s How You Can Help! — Éirígí For A New Republic

UP Housing Campaign Is Growing - Here’s How You Can Help!

UP Housing - Universal Public Housing - is the only housing system that can permanently end the housing crisis by providing secure, affordable homes for everyone that is in need. Over time the system would pay for itself and transform Irish society for the better.

Packed local campaign launch in Ballinteer, October 15th.

Packed local campaign launch in Ballinteer, October 15th.

With UP Housing no child would ever again face the prospect of housing uncertainty, of living for years in hotels, B&Bs and other forms of emergency accommodation. And no parent would ever again have to face choosing between paying the rent and feeding their kids.

UP Housing information leaflets are being distributed at LUAS and DART stations.

UP Housing information leaflets are being distributed at LUAS and DART stations.

UP Housing is not some unachievable fantasy. Other European countries successfully operate similar housing systems. The government have the land, finances, legal powers and expertise to make it a reality. The only thing that is missing is the political will to do it. The government and the wider political establishment won’t embrace UP Housing because they know it would break the economic and political power of the land speculators, developers, bankers and landlords.

Spreading the UP Housing door to door, here in Wexford Town.

Spreading the UP Housing door to door, here in Wexford Town.

The fight for housing justice will only be won if those people who are directly affected by the housing crisis actively fight for UP Housing. Those who living in their parent’s home because they can’t afford to move out; those who are paying rack rents to private landlords; those who in emergency accommodation; those who are waiting years on the social housing waiting lists are key to winning UP Housing and housing justice generally.

UP Housing banners spreading the message of housing justice

UP Housing banners spreading the message of housing justice

Over the last few weeks the campaign for UP Housing has grown steadily. Thousands of UP Housing leaflets have been distributed from information stalls, at transport hubs and door to door. Banners have been hung and public meetings have been organised. And many of those who are affected by the housing crisis and people who care about them have gotten in touch to help build the campaign. But we need lots more people to do so, including you!

Information and petition stall in Dundrum

Information and petition stall in Dundrum

If you’re ready to join the fight for UP Housing there are lots of things that you can do, including:

  • You can share UP Housing stories from this website on your social media accounts

  • You talk to you family, friends, workmates and neighbours about the benefits of UP Housing

  • You can distribute information leaflets to your neighbours, workmates or fellow students

  • You can hang a banner in your local area

  • You can help organise an information / petition stall

  • You can help organise a public meeting

  • You can make a financial donation to help pay for campaign materials

If you want to find out more about UP Housing you can do so here.

If you want to sing the online UP Housing petition you can do so here.

If you want to help the campaign you can get in touch at the contact form here or by emailing universalpublichouisng@gamil.com