‘Use Galway’s Public Land For UP Housing’ - Sign The Petition!
‘Use Galway’s Public Land For UP Housing’ - Sign The Petition!
Éirígí Galway have launched an online petition calling on the Land Development Agency (LDA) and Galway City Council to use the city’s public land to deliver desperately needed Universal Public Housing.
Please sign the petition here - add your name to the call for UP Housing in Galway!
Speaking from the City of the Tribes, Éirígí Galway representative Ian Ó Dálaigh said,
We have launched this petition to give the people of Galway a chance to add their voice to the call for much needed public housing in the city. The LDA have so far earmarked three significant public land banks in Galway City, which are to be used to deliver housing.
These three sites are located on the Sandy Road, the Dyke Road and the Docks. Together, they have the potential to deliver over 1,000 new homes to the people of Galway. Some of these plans were first announced as far back as 2018. We are saying ‘No more delays - build public housing now’!
Ian Ó Dálaigh, Éirígí’s Galway representative, calling for UP Housing to be built on the LDA’s proposed ‘Corrib Causeway’ development on the Dyke Road.
Ó Dálaigh continued,
This is public land - our land. And the homes built on this land must be publicly-owned if the LDA are serious about addressing the root cause of the housing crisis, which is the chronic lack of public housing. The state has the land, finance, expertise and legal powers to build a system of Universal Public Housing that would transform Irish society. The only thing that is missing is the political will to make it happen.
Signing this petition is one way to help build that political will and momentum for UP Housing - the only measure that can permanently end the housing crisis. After you’ve signed the petition, please encourage your friends and family to do likewise. It only takes a few seconds to add another voice to the demand for housing justice.
Éirígí activists calling for the building of UP Housing at the LDA development site at Galway Docks.
Ó Dálaigh finished by calling the people of Galway to action,
I would also encourage people to take another step, by getting involved in the fight for housing justice. We will be out on the streets gathering signatures for this petition, and we will be out in the community spreading the word with our information leaflets.
In order to spread the UP Housing message far and wide, we need help, so I’d strongly encourage the people of Galway to join the fight for housing justice today.