Éirígí Joins The March For Irish Unity
Éirígí For A New Republic members and supporters joined the March For Irish Unity which took place yesterday (Sunday, November 24th). The route of the march crossed Britain’s border in Ireland when it made its way from Lifford in Co Donegal to Strabane in Co Tyrone.
Over 1,000 people, from across Ireland and beyond, attended the event which was organised as a non-party political, grassroots, anti-sectarian, peaceful initiative to increase momentum towards Irish re-unification
Speaking from Strabane following the event, Éirígí activist Eoin Ó Sé said,
“Today’s march crossed an artificial border that Britain created in Ireland ninety-eight years ago. It has always served to divide the country economically, politically, socially and geographically. Partition has only ever served the interests of the British and Irish ruling classes and never the interests of the rest of the population.
Éirígí members and supporters were among the more than 1,000 people that marched across the border from Lifford to Strabane.
This weekend a new opinion poll has shown that a majority of people in the Twenty-Six Counties want a referendum on Irish unity to be held in the next five years. This is just the latest indicator of the growing demand for Irish reunification in the short to medium term.
Éirígí is committed to the building of a democratic movement to peacefully challenge Britain’s usurpation of the Irish right to self-determination and the building across Ireland of popular support for the re-integration of the national territory and the creation of a unified New Republic.
Our activists were proud to take part in today’s March For Unity along with so many other individuals and organisations. We welcome the inclusive basis upon which it was organised and hope that it will be followed by similar events in the coming months and years across the length and breath of the country.”