It may only be Stephen’s Day, but the dread of the holidays end is already rising in the hearts of tens of thousands of people across Ireland. The dread of the car being loaded for the airport run. The dread of
As speculation mounts about the upcoming general election in the Twenty-Six Counties, Éirígí For a New Republic has called for the rapid holding of a constitutional referendum to enshrine the public ownership
On Wednesday (December 17th) the patronage for six new secondary schools in Dublin, Meath and Wicklow was announced. All six schools were awarded to the English-medium patron bodies Educate
Up to two dozen people attended a hastily arranged protest outside of the Herbert Hill apartment complex in Dundrum on Saturday (Dec 7th). The protest was organised by the local Éirígí ciorcal (branch) in response to
Liam Mellows was executed along with Joe McKelvey, Robert Barrett and Rory O’Connor on 8 December 1922. Their executions were justified as a reprisal for the killing of Pro-Treaty Cork TD, Seán Hales, the
The news that Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Council and the Department Of Housing have agreed to lease an entire apartment block from a vulture fund for the first time represents a dramatic and worrying