Join The Vulture Landlord Walking Tour In Sandyford On Sunday, 19th February — Éirígí For A New Republic

Join The Vulture Landlord Walking Tour In Sandyford On Sunday, 19th February

Join The Vulture Landlord Walking Tour In Sandyford On Sunday, 19th February

A ‘Vulture Landlord Walking Tour’ of the Sandyford Business District in South Dublin will take place on Sunday, February 19th. Éirígí’s local representative, Brian Leeson, will play the role of tour guide for this unique event which will assemble at 1pm outside the Circle K shop on Carmanhall Road. Speaking about the walking tour, Leeson said,

“The Sandyford Business District has emerged as one of the epicentres of the vulture takeover of Irish housing. A handful of Vulture Landlords will soon own a staggering 3,000 homes within this one small part of Dublin. This is in stark contrast to just ten years ago when the Vulture Landlords didn’t own a single home in this area.

The rapid emergence of these mega-landlords in Sandyford and the surrounding communities has driven house prices and rents in the private rental sector to levels that are completely unaffordable to local people on low and middle-incomes. All of this has happened as a direct result of the housing policies of successive governments of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party.

Éirígí activists outside the offices of Vulture Landlord IRES RET in Sandyford, September 2020

The route of the walking tour will take us past all of the vulture-owned sites in the Sandyford Business District. At each site I’ll provide people with some background information on how the vultures acquired that particular site.

I also hope to give people a deeper understanding of how the political establishment rolled out the red carpet for the vulture landlords not only in Sandyford but across the state. I’d strongly encourage anyone who have an interest in the housing issue and in the fight for housing justice to join the walking tour on 19th February.”

The Vulture Landlord Walking Tour will assemble at 1pm on Sunday, 19th February outside the Circle K shop on Carmanhall Road in Sandyford, Dublin 18. This event is free of charge and open to the public, so please spread the word and come along. Bígí linn.