Windsor Visit Will Be Actively Opposed
Windsor Visit Will Be Actively Opposed
Rúnaí ginearálta Éirígí Breandán Mac Cionnaith has said the socialist republican party will be actively opposing the forthcoming visit to the Six Counties by the commander-in-chief of Britain’s armed forces Elizabeth Windsor.
It was announced earlier today [Thursday] that Windsor will be touring occupied Ireland on June 26 and 27.
“The presence of Elizabeth Windsor in any part of Ireland while her political and military apparatus continues to occupy the Six Counties is an insult to Irish sovereignty. It is also a slap in the face to all those who have lost loved ones as a result of the British-imposed conflict in this country.
“Elizabeth Windsor is commander-in-chief of Britain’s armed forces and the primary representative of an imperial entity that has misruled and robbed millions for centuries, to pretend otherwise is to connive at the damage this imperial entity still wreaks.”
Mac Cionnaith continued: “If it wasn’t bad enough that the North of Ireland will be effectively shut down for two days next week as part of a ridiculous fawning exercise for this social parasite, we are now facing the prospect of a security lock-down on June 26 and 27. This is proof positive that the Six County state continues to operate in the interests of those who created it, not those who live in it.
“Éirígí will be actively opposing this visit for many reasons. We will be opposing it because the same woman recently had the cheek to sit in the House of Commons in a million pound hat and preach to the poor about austerity. We will be opposing it because the notion of monarchy is an insult to the intelligence of all thinking human beings. We will be opposing it because British soldiers still stalk the roads of Afghanistan, inflicting death on an innocent people.
“We will be opposing it because Britain has absolutely no right in Ireland and, until this fact is recognised, neither does Elizabeth Windsor.
“Éirígí will be publicly announcing the exact nature of our opposition in the days to come.”