Joe McDonnell 40th Anniversary Black Flag Vigil Announced For Dundrum — Éirígí For A New Republic

Joe McDonnell 40th Anniversary Black Flag Vigil Announced For Dundrum

Joe McDonnell 40th Anniversary Black Flag Vigil Announced For Dundrum

 Éirígí South Dublin has announced the details of a Black Flag Vigil to mark the 40th anniversary of Joe McDonnell’s death during the 1981 H-Block hunger strike.  It will be held at the Wyckham Way roundabout between 7pm and 8pm on Thursday, July 8th

Éirígí Black Flag Vigil on O’Connell Bridge, Dublin on May 5th, 2021 marking the 40th anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands

Éirígí Black Flag Vigil on O’Connell Bridge, Dublin on May 5th, 2021 marking the 40th anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands

 Speaking from Dundrum, Éirígí local area representative, Brian Leeson said,

“Joe McDonnell was the fifth of the ten hunger strikers to die during the epic prison struggle against criminalisation.  Joe, a 30-year-old married man with two young children had volunteered to replace Bobby Sands on the protest after Bobby’s death.  

Joe was therefore fully aware of the likely consequence of volunteering to join the hunger strike.  He had a lot to lose, so it could not have been a step taken lightly.

Joe McDonell’s wife and children stand behind his coffin

Joe McDonell’s wife and children stand behind his coffin

In the general election of June 1981, Joe received 5,639 first preference votes from the Sligo/Leitrim electorate, narrowing missing out on a seat.  Joe continued on his fast for a gruelling 61 days before passing away just after dawn on July 8th.

This year is the 40th anniversary of the 1981 hunger strikes.  Our Dundrum black flag vigil will give people of all ages from the local community and beyond an opportunity to commemorate the selfless sacrifices of the prisoners.

While the Covid epidemic impacted on hunger strike commemorations earlier in the year, it is now possible for people to come together on July 8th to remember not only Joe McDonell, but all ten men who died.

I’m inviting people from Dundrum and further afield to join us at 7pm on Thursday evening, July 8th at the Wyckham roundabout.  All are welcome.  Bígí linn.”