Progressive Viewing — Éirígí For A New Republic

Progressive Viewing

Progressive Viewing

An alternative film club is to be officially launched on Sunday 2 March, which will give activists and progressives the opportunity to view films about social and national struggles from across the world in the comfort of a modern cinema.

The Progressive Film Club is a voluntary organisation that has been established to show progressive films from all over the world. Struggles for people’s rights, for the rights of workers, of immigrants, of women, for national liberation and for social justice are some of the themes of the outstanding films short listed, most of them never shown before in Ireland.

Showings are on Sunday evenings at the New Theatre in East Essex Street, Dublin and can be booked through Connolly books. More information about this radical alternative to modern cinema is available at

The official launch will be held on Sunday, March 2nd at 7:00pm with Adrian Dunbar.

Along with a prolific career in theatre, Dunbar has appeared in many notable films and at present he is directing Connolly, a movie about 1916 leader & Irish labour union organiser James Connolly.

Éirígí’s Daithí mac an mhaistír commenting on the new development said,

“In a society dominated by Anglo-American culture, it is a breath of fresh air to see a new departure in terms of film in Ireland. The progressive film club will give an opportunity to view films and documentaries otherwise inaccessible and will act as an excellent progressive tool and counterweight to the saturation of westernised often pro-capitalist cinema.

“The activists involved are to be commended on the excellent work they have put in to bring such an initiative to fruition and long may it continue.”
