Éirígí Initiative Against Windsor Visit
Éirígí Initiative Against Windsor Visit
Cathaoirleach Éirígí Brian Leeson has called on Fine Gael to clarify its attitude towards the victims of British state violence in response to the comments of its leader on Dublin City Council.
Responding to emails expressing concern at the prospect of a state visit for Elizabeth Windsor and support for Éirígí councillor Louise Minihan’s motion to the City Council, Fine Gael’s Bill Tormey resorted to abuse.
Tormey advised one correspondent to “keep taking the tablets” and referred to others as “unreconstructed nuts”, while signing himself as “Sir William (k)night of Balmun”.
The emails have since been passed onto Éirígí.
Leeson said: “Many people, including relatives of those killed by British state forces, have expressed concern about the prospect of a state visit to the Twenty-Six Counties by Elizabeth Windsor. Some of these people took the initiative of emailing Dublin city councillors asking them to support Éirígí councillor Louise Minihan’s motion on the matter, which will be heard on Monday night.
“The last thing they expected in response was insulting, derogatory and, quite frankly, loopy emails from the leader of one of the main parties on the council.
“Fine Gael must now clarify, for the victims of British state violence who have been hurt by these emails, whether the dismissive and offensive views of Bill Tormey are party policy.”
Leeson continued: “Bill Tormey will have a chance to explain his views publicly on Monday night when the Éirígí motion is heard, while a demonstration in support takes place outside City Hall.
“Éirígí is calling on all those who are who opposed to the commander-in-chief of Britain’s armed forces traipsing through the streets of Dublin to join Monday’s demonstration.”
The Éirígí demonstration will take place outside Dublin City Hall between 7pm and 9pm on Monday [September 6].