Éirígí Launches It's Campaign For British Withdrawal
Éirígí Launches It’s Campaign For British Withdrawal
Éirígí has started the rollout of its campaign for British withdrawal with the first phase - distribution of a new information leaflet - already under way. The leaflet, which highlights the ongoing nature of British imperialism in Ireland is also available from the Éirígí website. Thousands of copies of the leaflet are already with Éirígí activists around the country who will begin distributing them in their local areas over the coming days.
The anti-imperialist section of the Éirígí website has also been significantly expanded with new sections focusing on the nature of twenty-first century imperialism, the historical roots of the conflict between Ireland and Britain as well as the campaign for British withdrawal and Éirígí’s campaign of opposition to a state visit to the Twenty Six Counties by the English queen.
They Haven’t Gone Away You Know…..’
Commenting on the launch of the campaign Éirígí vice-chairperson Ciarán Heaphey said
“The launch of the campaign for British withdrawal is another major step for Éirígí. Eighteen months ago, when Éirígí was founded, it only had the capacity to run with a single campaign – Reclaim the Republic. Now we feel confident enough to run several major campaigns simultaneously. This is primarily due to the expanded pool of members and supporters that Éirígí now has.”
Heaphey continued
“Éirígí has repeatedly stated that the British occupation of the Six Counties represents the single biggest challenge facing the Irish people today. It makes sense therefore that we would focus a major element of our work and our resources on this issue. The leaflet and expanded website are only the first elements of a campaign that we believe can, and will, be built over the coming months and years. The building of a new generation of resistance to British rule in Ireland is already under way and we hope that our campaign will accelerate this process.”