RUC/PSNI Still A Cold House For Castle Catholics
RUC/PSNI Still A Cold House For Castle Catholics
More than 75% of RUC/PSNI recruit dropouts are Catholic!
The re-branded RUC, the PSNI has had it’s credibility further undermined after it was revealed that more than 75% of recruit dropouts from the force are Catholics. The statistic was contained in figures recently released by the disgraced force. Of the 99 dropouts 75 were Catholic (44 student officers and 31 constables).
Coming as it does when the British police force in Ireland are struggling to meet the Patten quota of catholic recruits, the figures will be a blow to those currently advocating acceptance of, and support for, policing structures in the six counties.
Despite a much publicised policy of 50/50 Catholic/Protestant recruitment, Catholic PSNI members currently make up only twenty per cent of the force’s personnel, despite the fact that Catholics amount for almost forty-five percent of the Six County populace.
Women, members of the gay and lesbian community and ethnic minority groups are also underrepresented within the RUC/PSNI.
Jane Winter from the respected British/Irish Rights Watch group said the drop-out figures have damaged community confidence in the PSNI.
“The PSNI have not been able to recruit enough Catholic police officers to the force; this is undermining the Patten recommendations and community confidence in the police," she said.
Meanwhile Éirígí spokesperson Daithí Mac An Mhaistír said the revelation that Catholic recruits were dropping out at such a high rate should come as no surprise and should be seen as further confirmation that power relations in the Six Counties have not changed to any significant extent.
“It is clear from examples like this one that the PSNI are maintaining the virulently sectarian ethos of their forerunners in the RUC. While we in Éirígí would discourage any Irish person, regardless of religious persuasion, from joining the PSNI it seems that even those Catholics willing to support British rule in Ireland are not welcome within the PSNI.”
Mac An Mhaistír also rubbished claims that the Catholic drop-out figures were down to republican intimidation.
“Throughout the history of the Six County statelet apologists for repressive policing have put the unwillingness of Catholics and nationalists to join or support the RUC/PSNI down to Republican intimidation while ignoring the impact that an illegal occupation, torture centres, plastic bullets, harassment, prison camps, shoot-to-kill etc might have on young Catholics contemplating supporting or joining the RUC/PSNI ”
“It should also be noted that the PSNI continue to maintain vast stockpiles of plastic bullets and to run agents through the Special Branch within the unionist death squads. People should take these figures for what they are – evidence of the continuing sectarian nature of the British occupation.”