Éirígí Just Got Some New Stickers - See Them And Get Them Here
Éirígí Just Got Some New Stickers - See Them And Get Them Here
Éirígí For A New Republic has just received a new batch of 5,000 stickers. The artwork on the stickers includes updates of some classic designs as well as some entirely new imagery commissioned for this latest run of stickers. You can view all seven designs below.
Over the coming weeks these stickers will be appearing in communities all across Ireland. If you’d like to get a batch of stickers to share with your family, friends and in your community please email eirigigeneralsecretary@gmail.com
‘Tir Gan Teanga, Tír Can Anam’ with an image of Patrick Pearse. Translates into English as ‘A country without a language is a country without a soul.’ Restoring widespread community use of the Irish language is a central element of Irish republicanism. This artwork is an updated version of an image previously produced by Éirígí.
‘Vultures Out!’ including a QR code to the ground-breaking Track The Vultures interactive map. Éirígí has been to fore of highlighting and challenging the vulture takeover of Irish housing in recent years. The Track The Vultures map has pinpointed the locations of almost 40,000 vulture-owned Irish homes. This artwork is an updated version of an image previously produced by Éirígí.
‘Pillars of the New Republic’ featuring an image of the GPO in Dublin with the words Liberty, Equality, Community, Democracy, Sovereignty and Justice on the pillars. These six principles have been at the heart of Irish Republicanism for over 200 years and they will form the pillars of a future New Republic. This artwork is entirely new and destined to become a classic.
‘Power To The Pepole - Bring Renewable Energy Into Public Ownership’ including a QR code to the Power To The People campaign page. Éirígí has been actively campaigning for the public ownership of Ireland’s energy resources since the fight to keep the Corrib Gas Field in public ownership back in 2006. This artwork is an updated version of an image previously produced by Éirígí.
‘Britain Out Of Ireland - For A New Republic’. These words encapsulate the core Irish republican demand - an end to the British occupation of the Six Counties and the establishment of an all-Ireland New Republic. This iconic green, white and orange on black imagery, which was first produced by Éirígí more than a decade ago, has been updated for this run of stickers.
‘Ní Saoirse Go Saoirse Na mBan’ featuring a clenched-fist saluting woman. Translates into English as ‘There is no freedom without the freedom of women.’ Equality, including gender equality, is arguably the most important principle of Irish republicanism. This artwork is completely new and was specially designed for this run of stickers.
‘Remember The Ten’ featuring the images and names of the ten men who died during the 1981 Hunger Strike. Éirígí understands and appreciates the great sacrifice of those who went before us in the republican struggle. This artwork, which was originally produced to mark the 40th anniversary of the 1981 hunger strike, has been updated for use in 2022 and beyond.