British Murder Machine Trundles On — Éirígí For A New Republic

British Murder Machine Trundles On

British Murder Machine Trundles On

It has been revealed that the covert British Army gang involved in directing unionist death-squads in the Six Counties is currently operating in Iraq.

The news was first announced in the right-wing English Sunday Telegraph, who jubilantly fulminated over their country’s continuing role in international terrorism.

The Joint Support Group (formerly known as the Force Research Unit) was responsible for providing armaments and intelligence to pro-British paramilitaries in the late 1980s through agents such as Brian Nelson.

This activity led to the deaths of many nationalist civilians, including human-rights lawyer Pat Finucane.

The Group is now active in Baghdad as part of a counter-insurgency initiative known as ‘Task Force Black’. Also included in ‘Task Force Black’ are the notorious British SAS and the US Delta Force.

Baghdad is currently in the throes of sectarian violence, elements of which are eerily reminiscent of the campaign waged against the nationalist community by pro-British death squads.

According to one US journalist, Chris Floyd, the JSG/FRU has placed dozens of agents in the Iraqi militia groups responsible for many of the sectarian atrocities.

In a further twist, the head of the JSG/FRU during its reign of terror in Ireland, Lieutenant Colonel Gordon Kerr, is now in charge of another Baghdad-based British gang – the Special Reconnaissance Regiment.

Kerr was previously presented with an ‘Order of the British Empire’ award by the Queen of England for services rendered in Ireland.

Pat Finucane, a Human Rights solicitor murdered by a British directed loyalist death squad

Pat Finucane, a Human Rights solicitor murdered by a British directed loyalist death squad

Éirígí spokesperson Dáithi Mac An Mháistír said he was angered but not surprised by the FRU role in Iraq. “The classic British tactic of divide and conquer has clearly not yet passed its sell by date.

“While nobody should be surprised at these revelations considering the British government’s record in Ireland and elsewhere, that should not stop people expressing their anger at them.  Thousands of people are dying in Iraq because of the deliberate policies of British and US imperialism.”

Dáithi also said that he hoped the FRU revelations would nail one particular myth

"The whole notion that Tony Blair was lured into the invasion of Iraq under false pretences by the US administration should now be seen for the fallacy that it is. Britain has its own selfish interests in Iraq and will do anything deemed necessary to protect them."

“So the next time the British Prime Minister turns up in Ireland talking about peace and the ending of political violence, he should be confronted with the facts of his government’s continuing use of political and sectarian violence in the Arab World.”