Campaign Update: "What The Proclamation Means To Me" — Éirígí For A New Republic

Campaign Update: "What The Proclamation Means To Me"

Campaign Update: “What The Proclamation Means To Me”

Launched in May 2006, to mark the ninetieth anniversary of the 1916 Rising, the “Reclaim the Republic/Athshealbhaígí an Phoblacht” campaign has been universally well received. The first element of the campaign involves the distribution, on a not for profit basis, of poster-size, full colour copies of the 1916 Proclamation of The Irish Republic. By October 2006 over 45,000 homes across Dublin had received a copy of The 1916 Proclamation with an additional 15,000 homes scheduled to receive a copy by the years end.

The second major element of the campaign was launched in late Oct 2006. This consists of a collection of writings on the theme of “What the Proclamation means to me”. Contributors with a background in the Arts, Journalism, Trade Unionism, Political and Community Activism have already submitted their contributions. Click on the link below to view these contributions. Éirígí is inviting individuals to add their own views on what the 1916 Proclamation means to them by e-mailing a short written contribution (preferably no more then 500 words) to