Mobilise Against Windsor – 6th September — Éirígí For A New Republic

Mobilise Against Windsor – 6th September

Mobilise Against Windsor – 6th September

Cathaoirleach Éirígí Brian Leeson has called on republicans and socialists to take to the streets in support of a motion the party will have before Dublin City Council on Monday, September 6.

The Council is due to debate a motion lodged by Éirígí councillor Louise Minihan which commits the body to opposing any state visit by the commander-in-chief of Britain’s armed forces Elizabeth Windsor.

The motion reads: “That this council notes with deep concern the proposal for a state visit to the Twenty Six Counties by the British head of state. Such a visit would be entirely inappropriate whilst the British state continues to implement imperialist policies and commit human rights abuses across the world, most notably in Afghanistan, Iraq and here in Ireland. This council calls on the Dublin government to abandon its plans to invite the British head of state to Ireland and on behalf of the proud citizens of this city we declare that Elizabeth Windsor is not welcome in Dublin.”

At the same time as the Council is debating the motion, Éirígí will be holding a protest outside Dublin City Hall.

Leeson said: “It is crucial that the councillors who will be debating and voting on this motion realise the strength of feeling there is Dublin about the prospect of a state visit by Elizabeth Windsor. This is why it is important that as many people as possible turn up on the night to join the Éirígí protest.

“In the meantime, people should lobby their local councillors to impress upon them the need to vote in support of this motion.”

Leeson continued: “As commander-in-chief of Britain’s armed forces, Windsor is the figurehead of those troops who remain in occupation of the Six Counties. She is also the figurehead of the murderers in uniform who have laid waste to Afghanistan and Iraq over the last decade.

“For these reasons, Dublin City Council should send a clear message on behalf of the citizens of the city that Elizabeth Windsor is not welcome in this country’s capital.”

Éirígí’s motion will go before Dublin City Council on Monday, September 6, while the Éirígí protest will take place outside City Hall on Dame Street, Dublin between 7pm and 9pm on the same night.