Ireland’s average temperature is rising at twice the global rate and six of the ten hottest years over the last century have occurred since 1990, a major report on Irish climate change has revealed.
Éirígí’s recently inaugurated Campaign for a British Withdrawal reached south Derry in the past week. Activists provided local people with information on the contemporary nature of the British occupation of the
The Irish language movement in the Six Counties has stepped up its campaign for equality in recent months, the latest aspect being the demand for bilingual road signs.
Tá gluaiseacht na Gaeilge sná Sé Chondae ag cur dlúis leis an fheachtas ar son comhionannais le cúpla mí anuas, agus is é an t-éileamh ar son comharthaí bóithre dhátheangacha an ghné is déanaí.
The former hunger-striker Bernard Fox will be a guest speaker at Éirígí’s Thomas Ashe commemoration in Dublin on the 22nd September 2007. The event will also mark the official launch of Éirígí’s campaign for a
Éirígí activists received huge support on Wednesday night (22nd August) from motorists and pedestrians alike as they mounted a protest against the proposed visit to the Twenty Six Counties by the English Queen.
The ruthless hypocrisy of the ‘international community’ with regard to the welfare of the Palestinian people was epitomised in the events of the last week.
Protestors will gather in Dublin tomorrow (Thursday) to demand the return of the Agbonlahor family to Ireland. Olivia Agbonlahor and her children Great and Melissa (both six) were arrested by Gardaí and flown to Nigeria
Olivia Agbonlahor and her two children Great and Melissa (both six) were deported last Tuesday night following the failure of a last minute legal appeal. The Irish-African family had made their home in county