Elect Ciarán Heaphey To Dublin City Council
The official launch of Ciarán Heaphey’s local election campaign took place on Thursday last (February 21 ) in Parnells GAA Clubhouse in Coolock Village. Ciarán will be running in the Artane/Whitehall ward for election to Dublin City Council. Several dozen party activists and local residents attended the launch.
The event was chaired by local Éirígí activist Cat Inglis. The first speaker was Cathaoirleach Éirígí, Brian Leeson, who gave a rousing speech to the assembled audience describing Ciarán’s thirty-year history of activism and his contribution to the republican struggle both locally and nationally. This was followed by Ciarán himself who outlined his vision for the communities of Dublin North-East and the New Republic that must be built to replace the failed Six and Twenty-Six County states. A question and answer session followed, before Cat Inglis brought the event to a close.
Ciarán Heaphey
Speaking after the launch, Ciarán said,
“The establishment political parties have neglected Coolock, Kilmore, Darndale and the surrounding communities for far too long. This neglect is seen in the substandard quality of housing, healthcare, education, employment and community facilities that our community is forced to endure. It’s time for change. It’s time for a new, strong voice that will put the interests of our community ahead of the interests of the political and big business class. I believe I can be that voice.
Of course, tonight’s launch is about more than getting one individual elected to the council. It also represents another step on the road to building a solid socialist republican base in Dublin North-East. We understand that real change and the New Republic that we so badly need will only come through the politicisation and mobilisation of the working classes.
Since the last local election five years ago our activists have worked within the community to spread the radical republican message and encourage people to stand up for their rights. I’m immensely proud of the work that we have done and of the many campaigns that we have been involved in. From offering support to striking binmen and nurses, to standing shoulder to shoulder to defeat the Water Tax and campaigning to repeal the 8th amendment, we have seen the value of collective action. If I am elected to DCC I will use that position to advocate for more collective action to deliver secure, affordable public housing, fair employment and safer communities.”
If you would like to get involved with the election campaign, contact Ciarán Heaphey on 087-2877054.
Brian Leeson address the launch