Today, as part of our On the Shoulders of Giants series, we republish a piece by Ho Chi Minh entitled ‘The Imperialist Aggressor Can Never Enslave The Heroic Vietnamese People’. The piece was first published 70
Last month, Éirígí activists across Ireland and further afield, laid wreaths at multiple republican memorials to commemorate the brave patriot men and women who gave their lives in the fight for Irish freedom.
Éirígí Galway are organising a public protest outside a conference that Mícheal Martin will address in the G Hotel in the city on Thursday (April 14th). ‘The Renewable Energy Opportunity for the West of Ireland’
This month as part of our Connolly Archive series, we republish ‘Labour and Politics in Ireland’, originally published in The Harp in April 1910. In this piece Connolly identifies contradictions between the
Over the course of the coming weeks close to two million Census 2022 forms will be collected from homes across the Twenty-Six Counties. While the census included a number of new questions, it failed to ask one
Éirígi For A New Republic has announced the details of the 2022 Black Flag Vigil to mark the 41st anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands during the 1981 H Block Hunger Strike. It will be held on O’Connell