Join The Garden Of Remembrance Protest — Éirígí For A New Republic

Join The Garden Of Remembrance Protest

Join The Garden Of Remembrance Protest

No element of the upcoming Windsor visit has caused as much outrage as her visit to the Garden of Remembrance on Dublin’s Parnell Square. The monument is dedicated to all of those who have died in the struggle for Irish freedom. In other words, the garden is dedicated to those who have been killed by Britain – the same Britain that continues to occupy the Six Counties and the same Britain of which Windsor is the head of state.

What other state in the world would invite the Commander-in-Chief of an occupying army to visit a freedom memorial while that occupation is still ongoing?

And to add insult to injury the Windsor wreath-laying ceremony at the Garden of Remembrance is set to take place on May 17th – the thirty-seventh anniversary of the Dublin/Monaghan bombings. The stage is now set for the Commander-in-Chief of those who planted the Dublin and Monaghan car bombs to pass within metres of where one of those bombs killed eleven innocent people. To this day the British state denies all involvement in the Dublin/Monaghan bombings whilst simultaneously blocking all efforts to get to the truth of what happened on May 17th 1974.

At 1pm on Tuesday [May 17] Éirígí is organising an alternative wreath-laying ceremony at No 16 Moore Street in Dublin – the location of the final headquarters of the 1916 rising. Following the wreath-laying ceremony the protest will move as close to the Garden of Remembrance as possible. All are welcome and don’t forget to bring the noise. Whistles, fog-horns, bin lids and drums and anything else that will make a racket! 10,000 Gardaí and soldiers might prevent Windsor from seeing any protests but they can’t prevent her from hearing them.