Éirígí For a New Republic welcomes the passing of legislation to both decriminalise abortion and legalise same-sex marriage in the Six Counties The legislative changed were introduced following the failure of a
The left-wing Irish language group Misneach met for their annual Meitheal (a combined working meeting and Ard Fheis) this past week. An Bun Beag in the Gaeltacht of Gaoth Dobhair in Dongeal was the setting
Éirígí For A New Republic today launches a new campaign calling for the renewable energy sector to be taken into public ownership and for the state to rapidly develop sufficient wind, solar and other renewable
October 19th, 1920 marked one of the most notorious incidents of British brutality in Galway during the Tan War era. Mícheál Breathnach (Michael Walsh), a republican Councillor in Galway city, was taken from
The Wexford launch of the UP Housing campaign will take place on Tuesday, November 12th in the Coolcotts Community Centre in Wexford Town. The launch, which will include an UP Housing presentation by Brian
UP Housing is a proposed new model of not-for-profit rental housing that would end the housing crisis by providing secure, affordable housing to all that are in need. It would transform Irish society for the better
Today, as part of our On the Shoulders of Giants series, we reproduce below an article by the great socialist republican, James Connolly. First printed in the pages of The Workers’ Republic in 1899, the article remains as
Dozens of people attended the South Dublin launch of Éirígí’s UP Housing campaign on Tuesday, October 15th. The event took place in The Coach House in the suburb of Ballinteer in the foothills of the Dublin
Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets of Catalonia over the last 48 hours, in protest at the Spanish state sentencing nine pro-independence leaders to a collective 100 years in prison. Their
Éirígí For a New Republic condemns in the strongest terms the Turkish invasion of the Kurdish region of northern Syria. This attack on Syrian national sovereignty must be opposed by the international