'Democracy’ Or Oil? – Anglo-American Intentions Revealed — Éirígí For A New Republic

'Democracy’ Or Oil? – Anglo-American Intentions Revealed

'Democracy’ Or Oil? – Anglo-American Intentions Revealed

The real reason for the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq is again rearing its ugly head with the beneficiaries, in the form of the multinational energy companies, preparing to move in for the kill.

It has emerged that the legislation will, if approved, facilitate the re-privatisation of Iraq's oil industry thirty five years after the sector was first taken in public ownership.

The proposed bill, which was approved by the U.S.-backed Iraqi government in February must now come before the full Iraqi parliament for final approval.

The new legislation would authorise the use of Production Share Agreements (PSA’s), which offer huge financial incentives for foreign oil companies.

PSA’s, which are normally used in economically underdeveloped countries, are designed to protect investors from the risks involved in high-risk oil and gas exploration projects.  Such high-risk projects would include those in ‘virgin’ territory or where the extraction of the oil or gas reserve is technically difficult.

However, Iraqi oil experts say investors face virtually no financial risk in Iraq, as the country's oil has the lowest extraction cost in the world - an oil barrel in most of Iraq’s oilfields typically costs between 50 cents and one dollar to extract.  Additionally, the oil is generally of such high quality that it sells at a premium on world markets.

Éirígí spokesperson Dáithí Mac An Mháistir said the proposed bill exposed the true purpose of the Anglo-American invasion and the undemocratic nature of occupied Iraq.

“The US controlled puppet government in Baghdad are obviously paying their dues to their masters in this instance.

“Considering the devastation that has occurred in Iraq since the US and British governments launched their war there it might be more appropriate for oil revenue to be pumped into alleviating the suffering of the people.

“For example, the health system, which used to be one of the best in the World, is under enormous pressure following years of inhumane blockades.  Do the doctors and nurses, and the whole Iraqi population for that matter, not deserve their resources to be used in a way that benefits their welfare?”

Dáithí continued: “Despite all the farcical talk of ‘liberation’ and ‘democracy’ and ‘weapons of mass destruction’, the genuine reason for the invasion and occupation of Iraq has once again been exposed by this bill.

The Iraqi, and for that matter the Afghan leg of the ‘War on Terror’ is, in reality, a war for the resources that are the property of all of humanity. The US may have learned the language of deception well from its imperial school master Britain, but inevitably their lies are exposed”.