Minihan Appeals For People To Assert Right To Protest Windsor Visit — Éirígí For A New Republic

Minihan Appeals For People To Assert Right To Protest Windsor Visit

Minihan Appeals For People To Assert Right To Protest Windsor Visit

Éirígí Dublin City councillor Louise Minihan has appealed for people to assert their right to protest against the Windsor visit and to not be deterred by the massive Garda security operation currently in place throughout the city.

Cllr Minihan was speaking just 24 hours before Éirígí establish their Irish Freedom Camp at the Garden of Remembrance in Parnell Square. The camp, which will be established at 3pm tomorrow [May 15], will remain in place for 48 hours or longer in order to prevent the planned visit to the gardens by Windsor on Tuesday afternoon.

Cllr Minihan said: “The real purpose of the ongoing massive Garda operation in Dublin is to deter and intimidate people from engaging in protests against the visit to our capital city by the Commander in Chief of the British military. Despite their best efforts to do so and to lock down the city, Éirígí will be proceeding with our protest and establishment of an Irish Freedom camp at the garden of Remembrance tomorrow at 3pm.

“I would encourage people to stand up for their right to protest, their right to assembly and their right to oppose this visit by joining us at the camp from tomorrow until Tuesday. By doing so, they can show the powers that be that they will not be intimidated. If sufficient numbers take part we can prevent Windsor and her entourage from being able to make their planned visit to the gardens.”

Cllr Minihan concluded by asking people intending to participate at the Camp to come prepared for the weather.

She said: “Those taking part in the camp will be outdoors for 48 hours or more. I would ask people to come well prepared for the weather. I would advise them to bring sleeping bags and tents where possible and to ensure that they have adequate waterproof clothing with them.”