Éirígí Asks People To Support Demonstrations In Solidarity With The People Of Lebanon And Palestine — Éirígí For A New Republic

Éirígí Asks People To Support Demonstrations In Solidarity With The People Of Lebanon And Palestine

Éirígí Asks People To Support Demonstrations In Solidarity With The People Of Lebanon And Palestine

Éirígí supports the World Federation of Democratic Youth call for a common day of action in solidarity with the people of Lebanon and Palestine on Thursday 27th July. Demonstrations will take place at locations worldwide in order to highlight the plight of the people in both of these countries. Éirígí encourages members of the public, trade unions, political parties and elected representatives to attend the demonstration planned for the morning of 27th of July from 7:45am to 8:30am at the Israeli embassy in Dublin as part of this international day of action.

Deliberate Targeting of Lebanese Civilians

Deliberate Targeting of Lebanese Civilians

Éirígí also supports, and asks for large attendances at, the upcoming demonstrations against Israeli war crimes organised by the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign. The first of these is planned for Saturday 29th of July, assembling at the Garden of Remembrance in Dublin at 2pm. The second demonstration is an all day vigil on Tuesday 1st August at the Israeli embassy in Dublin from 9am to 6:30pm.

Israel’s ‘War On Terror’

Israel’s ‘War On Terror’

Éirígí adds it voice to the global demand for an end to Israeli aggression in the Middle-East which has led to the deaths of hundreds of Lebanese and Palestinian civilians over the past fortnight. In addition the deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure is bringing untold misery to millions of Lebanese and Palestinians.

Israeli claims that the destruction of power stations, medical facilities, civilian convoys (see photos below) and transport infrastructure constitute a legitimate tactic in the “war against terror” must be challenged by all right-thinking people. These tactics, which are being supported by the governments Britain and the United States, will in reality only further destabilise the region.

As Israel escalates its crimes against humanity the reaction of the international community has been predictably muted. While the United States has rushed through a delivery of weapons to Israel, including large numbers of GBU-28 “bunker busters”, the European Union has been more concerned with extracting its own citizens than placing any real pressure on Israel to halt its offensive. This lack of any genuine effort to halt the slaughter of civilians is tantamount to complicity in murder.

Israeli Schoolchildren Encouraged to Write on Munitions

Israeli Schoolchildren Encouraged to Write on Munitions

While governments across the world continue to make hollow gestures it is vital that people publicly demand that real pressure is brought to bear on Israel. International pressure alone will halt the genocidal violence being perpetrated against the people of Palestine and Lebanon. We in Ireland are duty bound to play our part in increasing this pressure.