In this month’s Connolly Archive, we continue on with our serialisation of Connolly’s Labour in Irish History, moving on to Chapter Eight, ‘United Irishmen as Democrats and Internationalists’.
This month, as part of our On the Shoulders of Giants series, and on the 47th anniversary of the death in custody of Steve Biko, we republish ‘Black Consciousness and the Quest for True Humanity’
Mickey Moran sits down with veteran anti-fascist activist, John Lilburne, to discuss both the racist riots that have rocked Britain over the past few weeks
In this month’s Connolly Archive, we continue on with our serialisation of Connolly’s Labour in Irish History, moving on to Chapter Seven, ‘The United Irishmen’.
Gareth Murray sits down with Frankie Quinn, the National Organiser of the 1916 Societies, to talk about Frankie's life in the Republican Movement, and his activism with the 1916 Societies.
On Friday the 26th of July, in support of the Palestinian led Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement, Éirígí activists in Galway held a picket outside the RE/MAX office in Eyre Square.
In this month’s Connolly Archive, we continue on with our serialisation of Connolly’s Labour in Irish History, moving on to Chapter Six, ‘Capitalist Betrayal of the Irish Volunteers’.
Last Saturday, the 20th of July, Éirígí activists and members of the 1916 Societies joined thousands of others in Dublin City for a march calling for an end to weapons shipments to the Apartheid state of Israel.